Saturday, 12 January 2008

Review: 86 MENTALITY - 'FINAL EXIT' 7"


Typical, one of the hardest hardcore bands of recent times just casually drops one of THE records of 2007, then announces they are breaking up, and laughs in my face by playing a one off show over in Belgium before heading back to DC forever. Bastards.

Everything about this record is just spot on, easily their best work. Guitar sound is just fucking mean, and the vocals sound way better than the previous records. Opens with a slow Sabbath-style outro, then just rages through six tracks of unbelievable hardcore punk. If you're into State Of Alert, Last Rights, Fucked Up, Stars And Stripes etc, get onto this. If you're into hardcore, get onto this. If you're a two-stepping, rapper-hands throwing meff, get a haircut, do some pushups, and get onto this. I've listened to this daily since picking it up at Inepsy in London. Top ten of 2007 easy.
The bit where 'Outro' goes into 'Anti Society' on the first track is like being punched in the face. HARD.

Load of old BMX photos.

I've started a folder up on my myspazzzzzz of old BMX photos I've taken in the past three years or so. Some proper good times were had in those pictures, might be worth checking out, you might be in there haha.
I have apple pie and custard at 4am, this is mega.

Here's the link:


This is an old photo I took of Lee Williams at Dev Green skatepark in Sheffield. I remember it was early Novemeber 2005, because we were missing the Trial reunion in London due to lack of funds. It was really cold that day.

lee dev green air. b&w.


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