Sunday, 26 October 2008

New York City funtime

The am:pm videos are among the very few BMX web edits that actually excite me, and this is definetly my favourite one. Such a good-time feel to this video, plus The Sonics are a beast.


Floorpunch are one of those bands I won't listen to for ages, forget about, then listen again and buzz off how fucking good they were. So simple, so hard, so straight edge. This video is an old favourite of mine that must have just been re-upped because I couldn't find it for ages. Show looks fun/scary as shit.

The Mongoloids

I have a weak spot for mosh-your-dick-off heavy hardcore, and The Mongoloids from New Jersey fit that particular bill perfectly. Saw these guys at United Blood, so much fun live.
Best bit is the Mosh Instructions at about 2:30. ''...set this shit off Madball style! IS ANYBODY FEELIN' ME?!''

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


One of these is the real deal, one is an impostor. If you can't tell the difference, please do one.


Out Cold.

Tank and Mackem constantly bang on about these being the best band ever etc etc, and I always thought they were good, but not THAT good. Until now, having heard the 'Will Attack If Provoked' album. FUCK ME how can hardcore punk get this fucking good?!

Get into it.


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