Sunday, 4 November 2007

Going out.

Going out on a saturday night is rubbish. You know it's rubbish. When was the last time you actually had a good 'night out'? Stop lying to me. No need to convince yourself it was good because you blew 80 quid on fuck all. Realistically its probably good about once or twice a year. So you might as well just invite your mates around, get a fat munch in, some brews if you're that way inclined, and have a well better night (saving yourself significant wedge while you're at it).
I went out last night and lasted about an hour. Town at night is possibly the best example of why I don't drink; going out is the highlight of these people's lives and they don't even have fun hahahahaha. Yeah mate, is right, you look well solid in your sparkly t-shirt and shitty loafers. And your bird is rank. Fucking fairy...

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