Monday, 18 February 2008


Most people with a bit of sense and who aren't custard donut testers hate their job. Due to this, most punk bands take a minute or two to tell you this really loud. I am all for this, and here is one of my favourites, lyrically speaking anyway.

'Slavedriver' by Colin Of Arabia:

9 to 5, daily grind
no double time for overtime
i have to save every dime
christ sakes i steal to eat sometimes
i'm still stuck inside this dump
all for a few measley bucks
i hate all you stupid fucks
i won't miss this place, it sucks
monday mornings killing me
this slave driver won't free me
days i want to call in dead
show up late chop off your head
i won't miss this fucking shit
fuck off, die, i fucking quit.

Should have just copied this out and handed it in as my notice.

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