Friday, 7 March 2008

Life updates.

Alot of this probably won't concern you unless you're my mate or you like one of my crappy bands. as usual, read on anyway.

On tuesday the 11th (in like 3 days time), myself and my good friend Tank are embarking on a 5 week exploration of the east coast of the United States of America. This can only be absolutely brilliant, as our borderline-ridiculously loose plan involves eating huge slices of pizza, spending St Patrick's day in Boston, shooting guns and seeing 86 Mentality's last show, as well as United Blood festival and numerous other amazing punk rock related ditties. Effort will be made to make it to the Deep South, because even though the idea scares me it looks worth a visit for the hick factor alone.

Because of this, I am having to record in two bands this weekend to ensure we can deliver the goods without a huge wait. Tomorrow myself, Tank, Ad and Joe will be going in to record four or five songs for the Nowhere Fast demo. We are a new band, about 4 practices deep, with yours truly on vocal duties. We basically want to sound like SSD, SOA, Negative Approach, Minor Threat, Negative FX, Adolescents etc, so in short it's going to be fresh sounding and creative...ha. Look out for the demo soon.

Cold Ones are also 'hitting the (makeshift) studio' this weekend, recording one song for the Town Clock Records compilation and a few more new jams for one, or perhaps two, new releases due out in the near future. Keep em fuckin peeled, they won't be shit.

I think that's all for now. So if I don't post anything else, and I don't see you, IN A BIT.

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