Friday, 27 February 2009

re: B-Team footage

In response to Jay's post, shit has been lacking and I do apologise! Thought I'd save the park for saturday like. I won't be filming at the Dub Jam coz its gonna be well covered by more cameras than there are riders I think haha. I should hopefully be accquiring a camera of my own this weekend, so shit should be back on the road asap. Mega thanxxx to Danny Asda for the use of his shit up to now, if he hadn't borrowed me his camera we wouldn't have anything done!
As if anyone needs reminding, its the Dub Jam in rampworx on saturday. Avoid the curves. Do the grinder.

Nowhere Fast has got a few shows coming up, first up is Sheffield on Friday the 13th with god knows who haha (we are defo dying on Snakes Pass...), then after that in Bradford on the 20th with Mob Rules and Deal With It, as well as various dates in Newcastle, London, Liverpool, Ireland etc etc.
Spoke to Kage (our label CEO hahaha) last night and hopefully the record should be ready by April, can't wait. 8 songs of early 80s boston style HARDcore. Don says kick your mate in the dick.
Since I got kicked out of Cold Ones, we've started a few new joints that basically consist of Nowhere Fast members switched up. Watch this space.

Everyone listen to the new Mind Eraser records, that shit is unreal.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

B-Team Footage

The B-TEAM are lacking footage lately i was down the park tonight and i had a no show from the crew. We was out on Sunday filming for the new vid but that's about it. Hopefully with the DUB & P5 Jam this Saturday shits guna pop off.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Paul Ryan

This is a new vid of Paul Ryan from Jason Phelan. So good

More BMX >>

Friday, 20 February 2009

An' if you want beef then bring tha ruckus...

Working on a few things for The Jump Off at the moment. We now have a full-length B-team video in the works, which is gonna feature some of the best characters in BMX, session best bits, chills, yet to be revealed collabos, roadtrips, tearin' the club up, hard as fuck live bands and of course a lot of grinds. We've already got a load of good stuff, some of which is floating about Vimeo and in the archived posts below. Keep an eye out for an advert for the video, maybe in the coming week or two.

I'm also working on getting some regular digi-Mixtapes uploaded on here for you fuckers to download for nothing. Basically a little batch of good songs yous should all be into. I think a bit of re-education is required thanks to the absolute wank most BMX videos have as their soundtracks these days...

It's Craig, Brazel and Grass Danny's birthday celebrations on saturday, wish them kiddas a good one, and maybe get a little fucked up if you're that way inclined.

Oh, and this:

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Jason Levy

Who else fakies down the street and 180's a roof gap whilst poppin off.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Ross Kemp is a grass

Grant mitch the snitch

Dan Roper

Danny roper has the best style of street riding there is to offer. This kid is on the come up and will soon be producing vids for a section in the next animal vid haha. You herd it here first i believe in this kid.

Dub BCN trailer.

Get onto it, our brothers at DubBMX came through with this, the DVD is gonna be mega.

DUB BCN Trailer from Dub BMX on Vimeo.

re: last post

That was me, not Jay haha he must have stayed signed in on me computer... oh aye yeah Matty from Nonstopvid has put some photos from the weekend on the Nonstopvid myspace, check that shit bell ends


A boss weekend for the B-Team, two good days of riding and chillin', even though the weather again did it's best to stop us. There's gonna be no more weekly session edits, as we have decided to start saving shit for a full DVD which should be out by the end of summer at the latest. Don't worry though, I'll still be putting up videos every so often, along with some trailers for the DVD. Should be real good, sessions have been popping off lately with everyone pitching in moves and having fun just like we did pre-Capital Of Culture. Fuck 08.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Jay Bean is poppin off

jay bean is now on the post so expect some haters but who gives a fuck. THE B TEAM

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Somethin' in the back went, 'clack clack'

A cool as shit little edit from the Dah Streets boys, lads are wild. The last clip has me creased that girl nearly gets fed a chainring hahahaha

5 Minute Edit from Ellis Mays on Vimeo.

The Jump Off on myspace

Yeah you heard, we're on myspace and everything, get involved

Just went out to go ride town, and snapped my chain on the way to the train station, slammed my knee on the stem so hard I nearly puked outside Telulah's. Not that good. Addy is coming to the rescue as I type though with some suppliez, what a beast.

Speaking of Addy, check out this little vid from Nonstopvid of him and Matty, pretty cool haha

pull up, slip a ped, get off from nonstopvid on Vimeo.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

A wee treat.

Weather wasn't upto much this weekend. We still went out though. Full video in the works. Believe that shit.

Old Man Winter Is A Grass from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Weather is pissing on our chips at the moment, so sorry for the lack of street videos. I will try and knock something amusing together anyway tomorrow. Keep them shits peeled for New Brighton Ain't Ready...will be well better than Brighton Ain't Ready, which won't be hard coz it's shit.
In other news Jay Bean and a couple others should be aboard The Jump Off staff and posting soon, so all y'all crab bitches get ready to scuttle.

Saturday, 7 February 2009


This is the latest from our brotherz over at Nonstopvid, which usually features the same kiddas we do anyway, just much more professionally haha. Check that shit!

NONSTOPVID - Park sesh from nonstopvid on Vimeo.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Streetest Park Edit Vol.III

Just the boys on a Thursday night in the park. Keeping it street in the park til the good weather comes...

Streetest Park Edit Vol.III from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

For the lads...

I'm not even really big into footy, but that was boss.


Hot town, summer in the city...

...I wish. This video is an absolute bonafide classic. It's in the top ten BMX videos of all time without a doubt. Features rad riders like Butcher, Ralph Sinisi, Kelly Baker, Marvin Lotterle, Crandall, Bob Scerbo, Mike Tag etc, fire, shotguns, fights, naked girls, exploding cars, and the sickest soundtrack featuring Integrity, Circle Jerks, Stiff Little Fingers, Rolling Stones etc. If you havn't seen it, pull up a pew and prepare to GET LEARNED KID!

FBM Albert St. from FBM BMX on Vimeo.

On some now-you-see-me, now-you-don't shit

Wu-Tang is the realest shit. If you don't understand, I feel sorry for you.

Grab ya' 8 plus 1, start flippin' an trippin'

''Shop mish lad??''

Pic by Jay Bean (did I get it right this time??). Need to make a Home Bargains one now...

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The Wythenshawe Waltz

Yeah fuck it, from no posts to two posts in one day...

not sure if thats the full name but this is a little peek at clarky from manchesters latest video, if you've seen 'attention stalybridge' you'll know its gonna be amazing...

The Waltzers from Edd209 on Vimeo.


Holy shit

Tank posts!! Finally.

Everyone check out the new links section in the sidebar, all real good stuff check it out. Nice one to everyone who gave the vid some appreciation on The Come Up. More chillin'/goin off from the B-Team real soon.

Good street blog

fuck the matrix

no pegs? pure queggs.

Monday, 2 February 2009

B-Team Weekend Street Round 2

Two videos posted in one day?! Must be spoiling yous. The lads coming through with some clips and some laughs despite the freezing temperatures and occasional snow showers. Check the ender, hardest/best grind ever? Addy is on some next level shit, cookin' up some marvellous shit to make your mouth water. Like, 'OHH SHIT!'...

B-Team: Still Got The Craic from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Golden oldies...

Just an edit of some old '03/'04 clips I threw together the other day. The slams are so funny.

B-Team: The Good Ol' Days from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Going riding.

New videos/updates later on tonight. Keep em peeled fools.


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