Friday, 27 February 2009

re: B-Team footage

In response to Jay's post, shit has been lacking and I do apologise! Thought I'd save the park for saturday like. I won't be filming at the Dub Jam coz its gonna be well covered by more cameras than there are riders I think haha. I should hopefully be accquiring a camera of my own this weekend, so shit should be back on the road asap. Mega thanxxx to Danny Asda for the use of his shit up to now, if he hadn't borrowed me his camera we wouldn't have anything done!
As if anyone needs reminding, its the Dub Jam in rampworx on saturday. Avoid the curves. Do the grinder.

Nowhere Fast has got a few shows coming up, first up is Sheffield on Friday the 13th with god knows who haha (we are defo dying on Snakes Pass...), then after that in Bradford on the 20th with Mob Rules and Deal With It, as well as various dates in Newcastle, London, Liverpool, Ireland etc etc.
Spoke to Kage (our label CEO hahaha) last night and hopefully the record should be ready by April, can't wait. 8 songs of early 80s boston style HARDcore. Don says kick your mate in the dick.
Since I got kicked out of Cold Ones, we've started a few new joints that basically consist of Nowhere Fast members switched up. Watch this space.

Everyone listen to the new Mind Eraser records, that shit is unreal.

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