Sunday, 8 March 2009

B-Team DVD promo what lad??!?!?

Just a little taster to get ya mouthz a-waterin'. Video is gonna be good, we got a new a camera and had an ALL DAY sesh yesterday and got some crazy crazy shit haha. Check the promo below anyway, it's got some stuff from the other vids as well as a load of new stuff. This might be it for a while edit-wise so get into this, get yer moves out and BRING THE RUCKUS.

B-Team: Watch your step kid...DVD promo! from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Me nappys are ready - there in a bag under me computer here. Yeah all 25 - 40 of them mosh bangers.

Anonymous said...

Feminist comment spot this - the last verification code was, and i quote, "nomen". Yeah, this one's just, i quote again, "ments" tho.
Ah, those magic moments.


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