Wednesday, 27 May 2009


I came home from work on Friday to find the am:pm DVD had been delivered to my house, and needless to say it went straight on. To cut a long story short, you need to see this video. Boss straight-up street riding from the likes of Chris Johnson, Muffin Man, Joey Piazza, Queens (this guy is fucking rad, takes the harshest slams), Blackman, Oba Stanley, Frank Macchio, Marlon Europe, and a load more I can't remember right now, amazing music (inc. a Chronic Sick song!) and spots that will make you jealous. The best thing is all the cool funny shit thrown in all the way through, the kinda stuff you'd only see from riding street every day. It would even be worth buying for the extras alone, as all the amazing web vids are in there which are super good and some bonus stuff too. UK take note - this is how videos should be.

4Down are supposed to have these in, so check there, but if not, email Joey at and you can get one for about 12 quid including shipping.
Here's another sample of one of the old web vids anyway, get into it, there might be some surprises coming from across the sea...

In other news, the B-Team BCN vid is no longer public. If you missed it, unlucky. If you really wanna see it, get at me for the password...PEAZ

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