Sunday, 18 October 2009

Grindhog Day.

That's the title of the B-Team video, I'm deep into editing with only four sections left. Keep an ear out for the premiere date and location, most likely very soon and in a city centre bar very popular with BMXers. I'm gonna throw loads of suprises in that probably won't be on the dvd (that is presuming I ever get round to making DVDs) so make sure you come down. Listen to Poison Idea.

Edge Day.

So yesterday was Edge Day. I'm obviously nailed so hard to the proverbial X that I managed not to notice. I actually quite disappointed, I would have at least performed a one man moshageddon to Last Rights or something in my room. On my bill. Anyway straight edge is fucking boss and while I am glad many utter cretins are now no longer associated with the likes of myself, I am a bit disappointed that straight edge is on the verge of extinction in the UK. There does seem to be a kind of resurrgence down south with a few decent straight edge bands emerging, from our nation's capital no less! There's some good US edge bands around at the moment too, and if you're a punk there's every reason to kick the swill, so listen to some of the following, pull your hood up and bottle a student; WASTE MANAGEMENT, FREE SPIRIT, RAMPAGE, BLACK SS, NO TOLERANCE, BLANK STARE, STEP FORWARD, FORCE FED, POISON PLANET...

Some well good straight edge shit:



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