Sunday, 18 October 2009

Edge Day.

So yesterday was Edge Day. I'm obviously nailed so hard to the proverbial X that I managed not to notice. I actually quite disappointed, I would have at least performed a one man moshageddon to Last Rights or something in my room. On my bill. Anyway straight edge is fucking boss and while I am glad many utter cretins are now no longer associated with the likes of myself, I am a bit disappointed that straight edge is on the verge of extinction in the UK. There does seem to be a kind of resurrgence down south with a few decent straight edge bands emerging, from our nation's capital no less! There's some good US edge bands around at the moment too, and if you're a punk there's every reason to kick the swill, so listen to some of the following, pull your hood up and bottle a student; WASTE MANAGEMENT, FREE SPIRIT, RAMPAGE, BLACK SS, NO TOLERANCE, BLANK STARE, STEP FORWARD, FORCE FED, POISON PLANET...

Some well good straight edge shit:


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