Friday, 1 January 2010

Big L.

Matty may or may not be the mysterious face behind the video series / website Matty is one of the OG Wirral street dogs, check his section on the B-Team DVD, it's sick. He also decks it better than anyone ever, except maybe Bill Spencer. Check the vid below to see what I mean...

NONSTOPVID - MATTY LAMBERT CRASH from Nonstopvid on Vimeo.

Name: Matty lambert
Age: 24
Location: Wirral, Northwest, UK
Bike Setup: At the moment 4 pegs (2 plastic) and reppin a DFTU Notorious sticker on the front (Benny L hooked me up on my birthday)
Favourite spot in Liverpool: Kenny flatbars
Favourite out of town spot: That drop in to grass at the uni in Barca. Ultimate Resi-drop.
Favourite city to ride aside from Liverpool: Malaga
One city you want to ride: Shanghai
Least shit artificial stunt premises: Rampworx
One trick you do alot: Manny ones
Top 5 BMX videos: Criminal Mischief, Endsearch, Animal Can I Eat, Voices, Lets get Mystical
Top 3 BMX video sections: Van Homan (Criminal Mischief), Edwin (can I eat), Corey Martinez (wide awake nightmare)
Top 3 music: I clicked "most played" in iTunes and decided I'm not writing my top 3 here haha.
Top 3 B-Team riders: Grind Master Flash
Top 5 UK riders: Bengo, Ditchburn, Paul Ryan, Harry Main, Joe Cox (voices)
Top 4 Worldwide riders: Ben Lewis, Jason Phelan, Van Homan, Edwin
Favourite clip on the B-Team DVD: The Predator 2
One person who needs to come out riding more: Carlo Aspinol
One trick you never need to see again: Manny ones
One BMX trend that does your head in: Pretending your not bothered about riding
One difference between a real street rider and a fake: I guess if you genuinely like riding street.
One rider that does your head in: Any that tell me where I should be filming from.
One crap BMX video off the top of your head: Unsung
Section you're most looking forward to on the new Animal vid: Edwin
Something that's boss: Enjoying what your doing
Something that's shit: Strong winds
One reason street riding is better than anything else: Grinding rails is legit
Sign off: Jay Bean is the funniest guy in BMX. Big Daddy is getting replaced.

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