Monday 1 March 2010

He's got...

Social Circkle - 'City Shock' LP - No Way Records

Picked this up the very day it came out whilst on my US trip in september last year. In fact I'm quite sure Brandon at Vinyl Confilct was unpacking the boxes they arrived in as we walked into the shop. I love this band. Nowhere Fast got to play with them three times on their European tour last year (would have been four times if it wern't for the bullshit traffic on the way to London...) and they were amazing every night, despite some pretty unappreciative crowds and some very weird sound in Leeds.
One of my favourite current 'early 80s revival' bands, Social Circkle lean hard on the punk end of the hardcore punk scales, taking influence from late 70s bands such as Lost Kids and Teenage Head as well as faster early 80s bands such as the FUs and Zero Boys. I just could not stop listening to this LP. A healthy combination of pounding mid-paced punk rock and ripping fast songs with some great lyrics, alot of outsider kind of issues without straying into the 'Nothing Left Inside' creepy kind of mental anguish / serial killer potential zone. This record basically picks up where the two great EPs left off; great guitar sound, driving bass, awesome drumming, simple yet intelligent songwriting, and tons of energy. Fans of bands like Regulations and Shitty Limits will love this. If this kind of thing is your bag then this is a flawless record. 11 songs, out now on No Way Records.

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