Sunday, 29 November 2009

An' another...

Name: Matthew Peter Devine
Age: 27
Location: Birkenhead
Bike Setup: 4 mother fucking pegs. Moderate seat height. Moderate bar size.
Favourite spot in Liverpool: The China Town ledges or around the Uni.
Favourite out of town spot: Lloyds in Bristol.
Favourite city to ride aside from Liverpool: Canberra in Australia is a covert street megaplex.
One city you want to ride: Berlin
Least shit artificial stunt premises: I suppose the boneyard but i haven't been there for about 5 years but the photos/footage you have look good, plus it was always a chill park. Anywhere with a good ledge and decent flat rail gets my vote aswell.
One trick you do alot: Barspins kid.
Top 4 BMX videos: Nowhere Fast, Pegleg 2007, AM:PM, Can I Eat?
Top 3 BMX video sections: Dave Young - Nowhere Fast, Grimaldo Duran - 1st Animal vid, Vinne Sammon - Can I Eat?
Top 3 music: at the moment Wasted Time, The Kids, Immortal Technique.
Top 3 B-Team riders: Addy, Tom Pimlott, Dan Roper
Top 3 UK riders: Bengo, Addy, Joe Cox
Top 3 Worldwide riders: Vinnie Sammon, Vic Ayala, Alex Raban.
Favourite clip on the B-Team DVD: Ryan's 3 into the big civi centre gap. Magnificent.
One person who needs to come out riding more: Vic Ayala
One trick you never need to see again: no handers where your hands go down instead of out down stairs and shit
One BMX trend that does your head in: thinking its ok to talk shit on EVERYTHING when you've only been riding a year, and like chris said the very fine line between hating things and whats 'acceptable'.
The difference between a real street rider and a fake: real street riders learn things on street, their bikes are dull colours and actually have scratches on them, they look like they have more fun, they actually sit and talk about things that are nothing to do with bmx, they're not as boring, they don't show up to a spot that you've been riding for ages and shut it down immediately with all the stuff they learned at the park... *ahem cough cough brighton ain't ready cough cough*, they don't look at you for approval when they land a trick, they ride in the freezing cold even when no 1 is filming them. street riders know who Vic Ayala is. street riders know the difference between tricks and stunts and can moderate and apply them in a taseful manner whilst riding street, ie manouvers vs. bike gymnastics. Grinds.
Butcher grind or Luc-E grind(there is a correct answer): Butcher. Easy.
One rider that does your head in: Daniel Dhers... gumshield? I've NEVER hurt my mouth riding my bike.
One crap BMX video off the top of your head: roundabout tour made me vomit.
Section you're most looking forward to on the new Animal vid: ralph sinisi
Something that's boss: when merlin puts 1 peg on right before trying the gnarliest brick feeble ledge ever. has it, then takes his single peg off and puts it back in his bag.
Something that's shit: that tv show 'Medium', she just dreams what happened then solves the crime. cop out.
One reason street riding is better than anything else: its free, you see funny stuff, you can do it when ever you want. its a completely organic and natural way to ride and it teaches you to become adaptable to all kinds of situations and people. its realistic.
Sign off: over and out.

My first name must be He Ain't Shit

coz every time I'm in my car bitches be like 'he aint shit!!!'

butcher ecd 4 from Skavenger on Vimeo.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Song of the week.

''Il Soffio Al Cuore Ha Il Suono Di Un Fischietto'' by Smart Cops from Italy. How they cram so many catchy riffs and vocals into a song that only last 1 minute and three seconds is insane.

Get the 7" it's a beast, especially if you're a fan of the whole less-distorted garage style of hardcore punk, and is out on a rad label from North Carolina called Sorry State. I also have an mp3 of an apparently very rare one-sided 7" they did that is a 4-minute cover medley of classic anti-police songs from the likes of Doom, The Kids, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys etc. Well good!

Sunday, 15 November 2009


I bought an Xbox yesterday. Danny just sent me this video that very nearly made me regret it haha, nerds man jesus...


Found this on the 'tube just browsing haha, kid came up!!

Funny fuse?

Quite possibly the funniest image I have ever seen. The video footage nearly ended my life. Bill Spencer aka Barkum Bill, heavily OTB attempting Ryan's line off riding up the wallride to jump over and ride down a thin as fuck bit of wood, Barkum Banks circa 2006...

Street chronicles kid...

(Holding it down for Celtic...)

Next up it's your boy Mini...

Name: Sean Minney/MINI
Age: 19 had to think about that
Location: LPL, larkhill, L13. BCN on the brain.
Bike Setup: 2 pegs, serbos. loose an makes too many noises.
Favourite spot in Liverpool: shoalin ledges (chinatown muthafucka)
Favourite out of town spot: old swan benches slippy as a mofo
Favourite city to ride aside from Liverpool: Manchester or LDN
One city you want to ride: L.A./N.Y.C
Least shit artificial stunt premises: Rampworx after about 2 years of not going there.
One trick you do alot: SMIGGER grind/oppy 1 bomb
Top 3 BMX videos: ALL DAY, B-Team, and The make 1
Top 3 BMX video sections: Any Bob Scerbo, Benny L the make 2 and jay bean B-Team cribz.
Top 3 music: some of that THUG LIFE shit, method man, and drum & bass in ye face!
Top 3 B-Team riders: Adam Snowgrind, badman brazel, and my nigga the bean.
Top 3 Worldwide riders: Bob Scerbo, Butcher an Will Taubin
Favourite clip on the B-Team DVD: Danny Apple desk smith
One person who needs to come out riding more: TANK (lazy twat)
One trick you never need to see again: Them gay no handers what nathen willams does the gay bible bashing peado!
One BMX trend that does your head in: Legs together tight jeans ass out gay twats, big bars, no seat
One difference between a real street rider and a fake: MUSIC
Butcher grind or Luc-E grind(there is a correct answer): butcher. there hard as fuck
One rider that does your head in: Mark Webb fuckin emo guna blaze his ramps the cunt
One crap BMX video off the top of your head: videos with about 2 street clips of ramp riders. WEAK
Section you're most looking forward to on the new Animal vid: BOB/TOM/ratkid
Something that's boss: Grinds, Chronic, vandelism, joy riding!
Something that's shit: Rain, trampworx, no Chronic, no money.
One reason street riding is better than anything else: Beacasue no pussys snaking you, endless possibilitys, general public, traffic, easy to chill at a spot, smoke, drink, ALL DAY.
Sign off: B-TEAM life, grind them pegs, fuck the matrix, fuck the uni security, FUCK THE HATERS, dont give a shit what you think!

Introducing tha....

Got a load of quickfire B-Team interviews for yers, up first is 'your main man', Jay Bean. Check the B-Team DVD soon for a full Jay Bean section, and a heavy presence throughout...

Name: Jay Bean
Age: 19
Location: Nogzy
Bike Setup: 4 steels and scerbo's
Favourite spot in Liverpool: 3 set
Favourite out of town spot: The dark side
Favourite city to ride aside from Liverpool: BCN
One city you want to ride: NYC
Least shit artificial stunt premises: Rampworx
One trick you do alot: grindz
Top 3 BMX videos: The B-TEAM vid any animal vid, SKVR vid
Top 3 BMX video sections: any dvd thats roles out of NY
Top 3 music: Wu-Tang, Dr Dre 2001, Pleasurerooms
Top 3 B-Team riders: The whole B-Team
Top 3 UK riders: Adam "Grindmaster" Snowdon, benny L, Bengo
Top 3 Worldwide riders: Jason Levi, Edwin, Tom White
Favourite clip on the B-Team DVD: The vid
One person who needs to come out riding more: STE LAD!
One trick you never need to see again: Gay no handers
One BMX trend that does your head in: I could go on
One difference between a real street rider and a fake: the set up
Butcher grind or Luc-E grind(there is a correct answer): Butcher
One rider that does your head in: Ya maa
One crap BMX video off the top of your head: Up, Up and away = So shit
Section you're most looking forward to on the new Animal vid: The intro
Something that's boss: Chibuku
Something that's shit: Merkeyside police
One reason street riding is better than anything else: You cant blaze a fat spliff in rampworx can ya...
Sign off: If you mess with the B-Team you know what happens


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