Sunday, 15 November 2009

Introducing tha....

Got a load of quickfire B-Team interviews for yers, up first is 'your main man', Jay Bean. Check the B-Team DVD soon for a full Jay Bean section, and a heavy presence throughout...

Name: Jay Bean
Age: 19
Location: Nogzy
Bike Setup: 4 steels and scerbo's
Favourite spot in Liverpool: 3 set
Favourite out of town spot: The dark side
Favourite city to ride aside from Liverpool: BCN
One city you want to ride: NYC
Least shit artificial stunt premises: Rampworx
One trick you do alot: grindz
Top 3 BMX videos: The B-TEAM vid any animal vid, SKVR vid
Top 3 BMX video sections: any dvd thats roles out of NY
Top 3 music: Wu-Tang, Dr Dre 2001, Pleasurerooms
Top 3 B-Team riders: The whole B-Team
Top 3 UK riders: Adam "Grindmaster" Snowdon, benny L, Bengo
Top 3 Worldwide riders: Jason Levi, Edwin, Tom White
Favourite clip on the B-Team DVD: The vid
One person who needs to come out riding more: STE LAD!
One trick you never need to see again: Gay no handers
One BMX trend that does your head in: I could go on
One difference between a real street rider and a fake: the set up
Butcher grind or Luc-E grind(there is a correct answer): Butcher
One rider that does your head in: Ya maa
One crap BMX video off the top of your head: Up, Up and away = So shit
Section you're most looking forward to on the new Animal vid: The intro
Something that's boss: Chibuku
Something that's shit: Merkeyside police
One reason street riding is better than anything else: You cant blaze a fat spliff in rampworx can ya...
Sign off: If you mess with the B-Team you know what happens

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