Sunday, 29 November 2009

An' another...

Name: Matthew Peter Devine
Age: 27
Location: Birkenhead
Bike Setup: 4 mother fucking pegs. Moderate seat height. Moderate bar size.
Favourite spot in Liverpool: The China Town ledges or around the Uni.
Favourite out of town spot: Lloyds in Bristol.
Favourite city to ride aside from Liverpool: Canberra in Australia is a covert street megaplex.
One city you want to ride: Berlin
Least shit artificial stunt premises: I suppose the boneyard but i haven't been there for about 5 years but the photos/footage you have look good, plus it was always a chill park. Anywhere with a good ledge and decent flat rail gets my vote aswell.
One trick you do alot: Barspins kid.
Top 4 BMX videos: Nowhere Fast, Pegleg 2007, AM:PM, Can I Eat?
Top 3 BMX video sections: Dave Young - Nowhere Fast, Grimaldo Duran - 1st Animal vid, Vinne Sammon - Can I Eat?
Top 3 music: at the moment Wasted Time, The Kids, Immortal Technique.
Top 3 B-Team riders: Addy, Tom Pimlott, Dan Roper
Top 3 UK riders: Bengo, Addy, Joe Cox
Top 3 Worldwide riders: Vinnie Sammon, Vic Ayala, Alex Raban.
Favourite clip on the B-Team DVD: Ryan's 3 into the big civi centre gap. Magnificent.
One person who needs to come out riding more: Vic Ayala
One trick you never need to see again: no handers where your hands go down instead of out down stairs and shit
One BMX trend that does your head in: thinking its ok to talk shit on EVERYTHING when you've only been riding a year, and like chris said the very fine line between hating things and whats 'acceptable'.
The difference between a real street rider and a fake: real street riders learn things on street, their bikes are dull colours and actually have scratches on them, they look like they have more fun, they actually sit and talk about things that are nothing to do with bmx, they're not as boring, they don't show up to a spot that you've been riding for ages and shut it down immediately with all the stuff they learned at the park... *ahem cough cough brighton ain't ready cough cough*, they don't look at you for approval when they land a trick, they ride in the freezing cold even when no 1 is filming them. street riders know who Vic Ayala is. street riders know the difference between tricks and stunts and can moderate and apply them in a taseful manner whilst riding street, ie manouvers vs. bike gymnastics. Grinds.
Butcher grind or Luc-E grind(there is a correct answer): Butcher. Easy.
One rider that does your head in: Daniel Dhers... gumshield? I've NEVER hurt my mouth riding my bike.
One crap BMX video off the top of your head: roundabout tour made me vomit.
Section you're most looking forward to on the new Animal vid: ralph sinisi
Something that's boss: when merlin puts 1 peg on right before trying the gnarliest brick feeble ledge ever. has it, then takes his single peg off and puts it back in his bag.
Something that's shit: that tv show 'Medium', she just dreams what happened then solves the crime. cop out.
One reason street riding is better than anything else: its free, you see funny stuff, you can do it when ever you want. its a completely organic and natural way to ride and it teaches you to become adaptable to all kinds of situations and people. its realistic.
Sign off: over and out.

My first name must be He Ain't Shit

coz every time I'm in my car bitches be like 'he aint shit!!!'

butcher ecd 4 from Skavenger on Vimeo.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Song of the week.

''Il Soffio Al Cuore Ha Il Suono Di Un Fischietto'' by Smart Cops from Italy. How they cram so many catchy riffs and vocals into a song that only last 1 minute and three seconds is insane.

Get the 7" it's a beast, especially if you're a fan of the whole less-distorted garage style of hardcore punk, and is out on a rad label from North Carolina called Sorry State. I also have an mp3 of an apparently very rare one-sided 7" they did that is a 4-minute cover medley of classic anti-police songs from the likes of Doom, The Kids, Black Flag, Dead Kennedys etc. Well good!

Sunday, 15 November 2009


I bought an Xbox yesterday. Danny just sent me this video that very nearly made me regret it haha, nerds man jesus...


Found this on the 'tube just browsing haha, kid came up!!

Funny fuse?

Quite possibly the funniest image I have ever seen. The video footage nearly ended my life. Bill Spencer aka Barkum Bill, heavily OTB attempting Ryan's line off riding up the wallride to jump over and ride down a thin as fuck bit of wood, Barkum Banks circa 2006...

Street chronicles kid...

(Holding it down for Celtic...)

Next up it's your boy Mini...

Name: Sean Minney/MINI
Age: 19 had to think about that
Location: LPL, larkhill, L13. BCN on the brain.
Bike Setup: 2 pegs, serbos. loose an makes too many noises.
Favourite spot in Liverpool: shoalin ledges (chinatown muthafucka)
Favourite out of town spot: old swan benches slippy as a mofo
Favourite city to ride aside from Liverpool: Manchester or LDN
One city you want to ride: L.A./N.Y.C
Least shit artificial stunt premises: Rampworx after about 2 years of not going there.
One trick you do alot: SMIGGER grind/oppy 1 bomb
Top 3 BMX videos: ALL DAY, B-Team, and The make 1
Top 3 BMX video sections: Any Bob Scerbo, Benny L the make 2 and jay bean B-Team cribz.
Top 3 music: some of that THUG LIFE shit, method man, and drum & bass in ye face!
Top 3 B-Team riders: Adam Snowgrind, badman brazel, and my nigga the bean.
Top 3 Worldwide riders: Bob Scerbo, Butcher an Will Taubin
Favourite clip on the B-Team DVD: Danny Apple desk smith
One person who needs to come out riding more: TANK (lazy twat)
One trick you never need to see again: Them gay no handers what nathen willams does the gay bible bashing peado!
One BMX trend that does your head in: Legs together tight jeans ass out gay twats, big bars, no seat
One difference between a real street rider and a fake: MUSIC
Butcher grind or Luc-E grind(there is a correct answer): butcher. there hard as fuck
One rider that does your head in: Mark Webb fuckin emo guna blaze his ramps the cunt
One crap BMX video off the top of your head: videos with about 2 street clips of ramp riders. WEAK
Section you're most looking forward to on the new Animal vid: BOB/TOM/ratkid
Something that's boss: Grinds, Chronic, vandelism, joy riding!
Something that's shit: Rain, trampworx, no Chronic, no money.
One reason street riding is better than anything else: Beacasue no pussys snaking you, endless possibilitys, general public, traffic, easy to chill at a spot, smoke, drink, ALL DAY.
Sign off: B-TEAM life, grind them pegs, fuck the matrix, fuck the uni security, FUCK THE HATERS, dont give a shit what you think!

Introducing tha....

Got a load of quickfire B-Team interviews for yers, up first is 'your main man', Jay Bean. Check the B-Team DVD soon for a full Jay Bean section, and a heavy presence throughout...

Name: Jay Bean
Age: 19
Location: Nogzy
Bike Setup: 4 steels and scerbo's
Favourite spot in Liverpool: 3 set
Favourite out of town spot: The dark side
Favourite city to ride aside from Liverpool: BCN
One city you want to ride: NYC
Least shit artificial stunt premises: Rampworx
One trick you do alot: grindz
Top 3 BMX videos: The B-TEAM vid any animal vid, SKVR vid
Top 3 BMX video sections: any dvd thats roles out of NY
Top 3 music: Wu-Tang, Dr Dre 2001, Pleasurerooms
Top 3 B-Team riders: The whole B-Team
Top 3 UK riders: Adam "Grindmaster" Snowdon, benny L, Bengo
Top 3 Worldwide riders: Jason Levi, Edwin, Tom White
Favourite clip on the B-Team DVD: The vid
One person who needs to come out riding more: STE LAD!
One trick you never need to see again: Gay no handers
One BMX trend that does your head in: I could go on
One difference between a real street rider and a fake: the set up
Butcher grind or Luc-E grind(there is a correct answer): Butcher
One rider that does your head in: Ya maa
One crap BMX video off the top of your head: Up, Up and away = So shit
Section you're most looking forward to on the new Animal vid: The intro
Something that's boss: Chibuku
Something that's shit: Merkeyside police
One reason street riding is better than anything else: You cant blaze a fat spliff in rampworx can ya...
Sign off: If you mess with the B-Team you know what happens

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Grindhog Day.

That's the title of the B-Team video, I'm deep into editing with only four sections left. Keep an ear out for the premiere date and location, most likely very soon and in a city centre bar very popular with BMXers. I'm gonna throw loads of suprises in that probably won't be on the dvd (that is presuming I ever get round to making DVDs) so make sure you come down. Listen to Poison Idea.

Edge Day.

So yesterday was Edge Day. I'm obviously nailed so hard to the proverbial X that I managed not to notice. I actually quite disappointed, I would have at least performed a one man moshageddon to Last Rights or something in my room. On my bill. Anyway straight edge is fucking boss and while I am glad many utter cretins are now no longer associated with the likes of myself, I am a bit disappointed that straight edge is on the verge of extinction in the UK. There does seem to be a kind of resurrgence down south with a few decent straight edge bands emerging, from our nation's capital no less! There's some good US edge bands around at the moment too, and if you're a punk there's every reason to kick the swill, so listen to some of the following, pull your hood up and bottle a student; WASTE MANAGEMENT, FREE SPIRIT, RAMPAGE, BLACK SS, NO TOLERANCE, BLANK STARE, STEP FORWARD, FORCE FED, POISON PLANET...

Some well good straight edge shit:


Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Sorry about the lack of updates (how many blogs say that on the regular I wonder...), been well busy as of late. Been riding alot in-between looong spells of shite weather, started a new band (or two?) on guitar with new/old Merseyside resident drum beast Mat Devine and our recently re-posessed comrade Lee, expect alot of Siege/Eyehategod/Bastard ripoff shit. Filming for the video has stopped and editing has begun, I'm three sections in already and it's looking goooooood. There is a new trailer below, short and sweet. Pass it round.

B-Team: Grindhog Day. Trailer from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

I'm gonna start doing these on a regular/semi-regular/when I've got time/when I can be arsed basis, just because. Anyway here's the first in a series of B-Team interviews, and it's with the OG Greasby street beast, Addy Snowdon.

Addy (left) with the boys

Tom: Addy lad.
Addy: Tom lad

Tom: Name, age, locale and favourite spot please.
Addy: Mini once referred to me as the Grindmaster Flash but my mother would go with Adam Snowdon, I'm 23, from the dark-side of the river (Mersey), spot - fads rail.

Tom: You've rocked the four pegs for as long as I've known you, as some ropey 8-year-old VHS tapes will attest to, wanna explain to all the kiddies what it's all about?
Addy: Bikes have four wheel-nuts so it makes sense that if I’m gonna use any pegs, I’m gonna use four.

Tom: Being a part of the B-Team of course means you must be streeter than your average kidda, why do you love riding street as opposed to skateparks & trails?
Addy: No one in the way of the grinders, better craic with the boys. Trails are good but they’re always wet and you end up in the air for too long.

Over-inside ice in Southport

Tom: What do you think about the BMX video/web-vid boom of the last few years?
Addy: Everyone has their own reasons for making web videos but a lot of the time it just seems like kids who are desperate to get their footage seen. People who make 'sponsor me' videos immediately lose all respect. Also, if you insist on making a sponsor me video, at least have something new to offer, every bmx company already has their very own Chase Dehart replica, they don’t need another one. Stop calling them mix tapes too, it's not even a tape. Personally I always prefer dvds because you can enjoy them with your mates and they don't get forgotten so easily. If I'm going to have something filmed I'd much prefer it to go on a dvd and I've definitely got the patience to wait for that, I'm 23, I've got other things to think about.

Tom: Tell us about The Don and give us your favourite Don-related story or incident.
Addy: The Don is the most English man in England. My favourite story was the one where he spent a day training for a management job at homebase, took one look at himself in the mirror in the uniform and left in disgust.

Tom: Top five favourite tricks:
Addy: Icepick grinds, x-up grinds, sock smashers, predators (of any kind), one hundred and eighties.

Tom: Talk us through your Flat 9 post-booze hangover cure.
Addy: Space raiders (big 20p bag), a bottle of red rooster (energy drink) and sometimes a bombay bad boy. After a flat 9 sesh you've got to get some nutrients back in your system. You've also got to cheer yourself up with some good food because you might be dwelling on things you did that you're not proud of.

Tom: Bad Manners or The Specials?
Addy: Bad Manners win best song (lip up fatty) but The Specials win overall best band.

Tom: Like Biggie, you got a story to tell. Tell us about the Southport-girl-Irn-Bru incident and remind us all why you can't beat street riding.
Addy: These girls were drunk on a Sunday afternoon (first crime) and were giving us some abuse at a spot. One of them fell in a bush and couldn't get out, much to my amusement. She saw me laughing and picked up a nearby bottle of iron brew (it was the blagged aldi stuff, hence the spelling) and splashed some on me. She then conveniently replaced the lid, leaving about 1.5 litres still inside. Before I knew what had happened, I had already removed the lid and poured half of the contents on to her hair. Realising that if I stopped at this point I ran the risk of getting the remainder on myself, I continued to hold the pouring position until the bottle was empty. I just lose the plot sometimes, it's not something I'm necessarily proud of but it's still funny. The moral of the story is, don't get irn bru on me. You can’t beat street riding because it’s free.

Tom: What would your ideal roadtrip destination & crew be?
Addy: The crew is obviously the b team. Not sure about the destination, maybe those black bars in sheffield, they're like multiple fads rails.

Tom: Cock Sparrer or Sham 69?
Addy: Now then, that's a tough one. Would you have Cock Sparrer without Sham? I don't know. This one's impossible to answer.

Tom: What's your favourite Road Fools and why? While you're at it, give us your ideal 14-man Road Fools lineup.
Addy: I can't remember the numbers. I'll just say not ten just because the line up looked good and it should have been the best but it just didn't live up to expectations. The 14 men would be my mates but I don't reckon I should list them because I might miss someone out. If I knew Troy Mcmurray, he'd be coming.

Truck to flat, in honour of Ratboy

Tom: Top 5 BMX videos of all time?
Addy: It's not worth saying that little devil video so I won't. Animal 1, Animal 2, Animal 3, All time low, Attention Stalybridge. Brighton Ain't Ready gets negative points so I can put Nowhere Fast in there too.

Tom: Top 5 video parts of all time?
Addy: Vic Ayala – All time low/Animal 1 (can’t pick one), Butcher – any part, Edwin/Tom White – Fitlife, Ratboy – Shine, Zack Costa – Cuttin’ it deep.

Tom: Top 5 tricks of all time you've seen on videos?
Addy: Vic Ayala - predator grind, Vinnie Sammon – over to x-up grind, Lino Gonzalez – rail ride, Bob Scerbo – backwards icepick grind, George Dossantos – crooked grind to 180. All down rails, this is why animal rules over everyone.

Tom: Favourite clip banged out by one of the B-Team so far?
Addy: Ryan’s 360 over the big civi gap.

Tom: Top 5 worst BMX trends?
Addy: Too wide for your skinny emo arms handlebars, trying to learn barspins with a seat that’s too low to learn barspins, bunnyhop toboggans, ‘dakota roche’ bunnyhops (those horrible semi-tabletops with the bars turned down), anything to do with emo has got to go. I could go on but I’m only allowed 5.

Tom: Top 5 underrated riders?
Addy: That’s a hard one these days, everyone and their dog gets coverage. Ryan smith, Loz Taylor, Clarky, Jay Bean, erm… can’t even think. The b-team is underrated.

Tom: One band you wanna hear more of on BMX videos?
Addy: Cockney Rejects.

Tom: Shoutouts/hollas go here.
Addy: The b-team and anyone who I’ve ever met who’s been sound. That covers it.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009


Ralph Sinisi. New Animal video. Full part. Is right.

Sunday, 21 June 2009


This may be the only BMX-related web link you will ever need.

Boss stuff such as...

Animal - Vinnie Sammon from Animal Bikes on Vimeo.

Can I Eat? - Ads - Skavenger from Animal Bikes on Vimeo.

and here's some boss related stuff that they don't have up on their Vimeo site but is a must-see for anyone who's stepped on a BMX.


Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Dub bmx wastelands edit

This is a little edit Dub bmx have done. This is what the mess around sesh is all about. Stunts by bengo, tommy and cookie.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009


I came home from work on Friday to find the am:pm DVD had been delivered to my house, and needless to say it went straight on. To cut a long story short, you need to see this video. Boss straight-up street riding from the likes of Chris Johnson, Muffin Man, Joey Piazza, Queens (this guy is fucking rad, takes the harshest slams), Blackman, Oba Stanley, Frank Macchio, Marlon Europe, and a load more I can't remember right now, amazing music (inc. a Chronic Sick song!) and spots that will make you jealous. The best thing is all the cool funny shit thrown in all the way through, the kinda stuff you'd only see from riding street every day. It would even be worth buying for the extras alone, as all the amazing web vids are in there which are super good and some bonus stuff too. UK take note - this is how videos should be.

4Down are supposed to have these in, so check there, but if not, email Joey at and you can get one for about 12 quid including shipping.
Here's another sample of one of the old web vids anyway, get into it, there might be some surprises coming from across the sea...

In other news, the B-Team BCN vid is no longer public. If you missed it, unlucky. If you really wanna see it, get at me for the password...PEAZ

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Barcelona 2009 (finally!)

The B-Team took a little jolly to Barcelona in April and this is what went down from our kiddas. What happens in Barcelona, stays in Barcelona...almost. Well longer than I thought... Watch it quick, I'm taking it down soon. Could be tomorrow, could be Friday, could be now. BMX!

B-Team: Barcelona 2009 from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Stevie B

Steve Ballmer havin a fat mosh to Dirty Money, courtesy of our Greg.


Not sure if I've already posted this or what, but who cares it never gets old. The bit where he goes over stiff as a board KILLS me haha.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

The King: Dave Young



Go ed lad

Mikey Fish.

Not much been happening over the last couple of weeks, the weather has been total log. As soon as the Fish gives it the all clear we're back on it. In the meantime, check this out.

Barcelona - The Tree-Sixty Story

Jason has made a boss edit of his version of events from our trip to Barcelona last month. Dave the Duck is street.

Brits on tour and one Irish from jason phelan on Vimeo.

Northwest BMX

A few of the B-Team kiddas have another thing going on these days, so get well into it coz these lads are still in bloody school and are still well streeter than you. This is the real thing., Northwest BMX, Merkeyside 2009 dickheads.

NorthwestBMX Trailer from nwbmx on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


We seen this on a t-shirt in BCN. I should of got one considering there was a lot of herbal chonging on that trip.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Barcelona 2009

The B-Team trip to Barcelona has just been and gone, and it was fuckin' boss. Loads of chills, a lot of herbology, a few movez and some other crazy shit. More photos up and maybe a holiday edit for those in the know.
'You know, because you need to know' 'Oh I see, one of those on-a-need-to-know-basis things is it? Like one of them James Bond films'


Tuesday, 31 March 2009

End of an era

This is bad news but this is the last time you could probably see the courts rails. Hopefully they get a fresh lick of paint and left alone because i still need 2 drop a pegs on them.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Jason has been getting the shopping in

Jason has been getting the weekly shop in. Get us a stock munch whilst ya there lad.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Do you maggots understand

Hell i like you, you can come over to my house and fuck my sister

Monday, 16 March 2009


Had a boss weekend and got some sick clips for the video; got footage of the Nowhere Fast/Hammer Attack show in Sheffield, riding in Liverpool and riding in Manchester today. Did nothing for about 6 hours in Manc, then had an hour or so of intense grind shit at St Ann's and Urbis. Well good. We might be hold for a week, since our boys from the good ol' US of A are coming over for a week on tuesday and we need to show em a good time, but Nowhere Fast is playing Bradford on friday so we'll get someone to film us or something. KAGE RAGE.

This is dead good.

Oh and in other news, apparently there is a war on. The other side might wanna consider their chances first though.

Friday, 13 March 2009

Dub Jam

here's Matty Lamberts edit of the dub jam at rampworx.

Sunday, 8 March 2009

B-Team DVD promo what lad??!?!?

Just a little taster to get ya mouthz a-waterin'. Video is gonna be good, we got a new a camera and had an ALL DAY sesh yesterday and got some crazy crazy shit haha. Check the promo below anyway, it's got some stuff from the other vids as well as a load of new stuff. This might be it for a while edit-wise so get into this, get yer moves out and BRING THE RUCKUS.

B-Team: Watch your step kid...DVD promo! from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Friday, 6 March 2009

Later ya dirt

Get onto the banger at the end of this, gotta be one of the best man-to-woman lines uttered in a film ever.

Thursday, 5 March 2009


The DUB jam popped off big style and there now needs to be more like it. Get on the bmx forums and get some jams underway. Hers one of my favorites. BONEDETH


Not to be confused with Bob Scerbo's rad web videos, this is a fucking incredible powerviolence band from Boston, Massachusetts USA. I wish more bands/all shows were like this. Looks fun as fuck, as well as having that air of danger and unpredictability that gives you that awesome 'almost scared' feeling that all good, hard shows do. Notice that people are just going off hard, as opposed to just stupid pisshead wankers trying their best to get more attention than the band.

Take note, correct reaction to the song at 2:13...


Friday, 27 February 2009

re: B-Team footage

In response to Jay's post, shit has been lacking and I do apologise! Thought I'd save the park for saturday like. I won't be filming at the Dub Jam coz its gonna be well covered by more cameras than there are riders I think haha. I should hopefully be accquiring a camera of my own this weekend, so shit should be back on the road asap. Mega thanxxx to Danny Asda for the use of his shit up to now, if he hadn't borrowed me his camera we wouldn't have anything done!
As if anyone needs reminding, its the Dub Jam in rampworx on saturday. Avoid the curves. Do the grinder.

Nowhere Fast has got a few shows coming up, first up is Sheffield on Friday the 13th with god knows who haha (we are defo dying on Snakes Pass...), then after that in Bradford on the 20th with Mob Rules and Deal With It, as well as various dates in Newcastle, London, Liverpool, Ireland etc etc.
Spoke to Kage (our label CEO hahaha) last night and hopefully the record should be ready by April, can't wait. 8 songs of early 80s boston style HARDcore. Don says kick your mate in the dick.
Since I got kicked out of Cold Ones, we've started a few new joints that basically consist of Nowhere Fast members switched up. Watch this space.

Everyone listen to the new Mind Eraser records, that shit is unreal.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

B-Team Footage

The B-TEAM are lacking footage lately i was down the park tonight and i had a no show from the crew. We was out on Sunday filming for the new vid but that's about it. Hopefully with the DUB & P5 Jam this Saturday shits guna pop off.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Paul Ryan

This is a new vid of Paul Ryan from Jason Phelan. So good

More BMX >>

Friday, 20 February 2009

An' if you want beef then bring tha ruckus...

Working on a few things for The Jump Off at the moment. We now have a full-length B-team video in the works, which is gonna feature some of the best characters in BMX, session best bits, chills, yet to be revealed collabos, roadtrips, tearin' the club up, hard as fuck live bands and of course a lot of grinds. We've already got a load of good stuff, some of which is floating about Vimeo and in the archived posts below. Keep an eye out for an advert for the video, maybe in the coming week or two.

I'm also working on getting some regular digi-Mixtapes uploaded on here for you fuckers to download for nothing. Basically a little batch of good songs yous should all be into. I think a bit of re-education is required thanks to the absolute wank most BMX videos have as their soundtracks these days...

It's Craig, Brazel and Grass Danny's birthday celebrations on saturday, wish them kiddas a good one, and maybe get a little fucked up if you're that way inclined.

Oh, and this:

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Jason Levy

Who else fakies down the street and 180's a roof gap whilst poppin off.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Ross Kemp is a grass

Grant mitch the snitch

Dan Roper

Danny roper has the best style of street riding there is to offer. This kid is on the come up and will soon be producing vids for a section in the next animal vid haha. You herd it here first i believe in this kid.

Dub BCN trailer.

Get onto it, our brothers at DubBMX came through with this, the DVD is gonna be mega.

DUB BCN Trailer from Dub BMX on Vimeo.

re: last post

That was me, not Jay haha he must have stayed signed in on me computer... oh aye yeah Matty from Nonstopvid has put some photos from the weekend on the Nonstopvid myspace, check that shit bell ends


A boss weekend for the B-Team, two good days of riding and chillin', even though the weather again did it's best to stop us. There's gonna be no more weekly session edits, as we have decided to start saving shit for a full DVD which should be out by the end of summer at the latest. Don't worry though, I'll still be putting up videos every so often, along with some trailers for the DVD. Should be real good, sessions have been popping off lately with everyone pitching in moves and having fun just like we did pre-Capital Of Culture. Fuck 08.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Jay Bean is poppin off

jay bean is now on the post so expect some haters but who gives a fuck. THE B TEAM

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Somethin' in the back went, 'clack clack'

A cool as shit little edit from the Dah Streets boys, lads are wild. The last clip has me creased that girl nearly gets fed a chainring hahahaha

5 Minute Edit from Ellis Mays on Vimeo.

The Jump Off on myspace

Yeah you heard, we're on myspace and everything, get involved

Just went out to go ride town, and snapped my chain on the way to the train station, slammed my knee on the stem so hard I nearly puked outside Telulah's. Not that good. Addy is coming to the rescue as I type though with some suppliez, what a beast.

Speaking of Addy, check out this little vid from Nonstopvid of him and Matty, pretty cool haha

pull up, slip a ped, get off from nonstopvid on Vimeo.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

A wee treat.

Weather wasn't upto much this weekend. We still went out though. Full video in the works. Believe that shit.

Old Man Winter Is A Grass from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Weather is pissing on our chips at the moment, so sorry for the lack of street videos. I will try and knock something amusing together anyway tomorrow. Keep them shits peeled for New Brighton Ain't Ready...will be well better than Brighton Ain't Ready, which won't be hard coz it's shit.
In other news Jay Bean and a couple others should be aboard The Jump Off staff and posting soon, so all y'all crab bitches get ready to scuttle.

Saturday, 7 February 2009


This is the latest from our brotherz over at Nonstopvid, which usually features the same kiddas we do anyway, just much more professionally haha. Check that shit!

NONSTOPVID - Park sesh from nonstopvid on Vimeo.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Streetest Park Edit Vol.III

Just the boys on a Thursday night in the park. Keeping it street in the park til the good weather comes...

Streetest Park Edit Vol.III from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

For the lads...

I'm not even really big into footy, but that was boss.


Hot town, summer in the city...

...I wish. This video is an absolute bonafide classic. It's in the top ten BMX videos of all time without a doubt. Features rad riders like Butcher, Ralph Sinisi, Kelly Baker, Marvin Lotterle, Crandall, Bob Scerbo, Mike Tag etc, fire, shotguns, fights, naked girls, exploding cars, and the sickest soundtrack featuring Integrity, Circle Jerks, Stiff Little Fingers, Rolling Stones etc. If you havn't seen it, pull up a pew and prepare to GET LEARNED KID!

FBM Albert St. from FBM BMX on Vimeo.

On some now-you-see-me, now-you-don't shit

Wu-Tang is the realest shit. If you don't understand, I feel sorry for you.

Grab ya' 8 plus 1, start flippin' an trippin'

''Shop mish lad??''

Pic by Jay Bean (did I get it right this time??). Need to make a Home Bargains one now...

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The Wythenshawe Waltz

Yeah fuck it, from no posts to two posts in one day...

not sure if thats the full name but this is a little peek at clarky from manchesters latest video, if you've seen 'attention stalybridge' you'll know its gonna be amazing...

The Waltzers from Edd209 on Vimeo.


Holy shit

Tank posts!! Finally.

Everyone check out the new links section in the sidebar, all real good stuff check it out. Nice one to everyone who gave the vid some appreciation on The Come Up. More chillin'/goin off from the B-Team real soon.

Good street blog

fuck the matrix

no pegs? pure queggs.

Monday, 2 February 2009

B-Team Weekend Street Round 2

Two videos posted in one day?! Must be spoiling yous. The lads coming through with some clips and some laughs despite the freezing temperatures and occasional snow showers. Check the ender, hardest/best grind ever? Addy is on some next level shit, cookin' up some marvellous shit to make your mouth water. Like, 'OHH SHIT!'...

B-Team: Still Got The Craic from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Golden oldies...

Just an edit of some old '03/'04 clips I threw together the other day. The slams are so funny.

B-Team: The Good Ol' Days from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Going riding.

New videos/updates later on tonight. Keep em peeled fools.

Saturday, 31 January 2009

Streetest Park Edit Vol.II

The lads getting STREET up in the park, thursday night shit. Grinders: Jay Bean, Garth, Beard Tom, Danny, Matty, Addy, Tank and Tom.

B-Team: Streetest Park Edit Vol.II from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

B Team take to the streets.

Just another weekend for the B Team. Thomas The Tank was well better than Postman Pat.

The B Team - Ride Street from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


Just watch this.

Every other day my whole dress code switch

Yo, sorry about the lack of updates lately, I've been pretty busy riding, filming, capturing old shit and editing new shit. Expect some reasonably regular edits, unless/until we decide to just go all out and do a whole video. Cheers for all the positive feedback on the videos, it seems people are getting into what we're about, should be a good year for BMX in the northwest.

In other news, come to this tomorrow, it's Theives' first show. Only three brass in, so no excuses. Nowhere Fast is the B-Team/Jump Off's house band so get down!


Monday, 26 January 2009

Streetest Park Edit.

I still havn't quite got the hang of the editing/exporting business, hence the shite quality of this video, but here's a little edit I made of last thursday's (street as fuck) park session, featuring the B-Team. If you don't have a laugh riding, sell your bike.

B-Team BMX - Streetest Park Edit! from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

Friday, 23 January 2009

DUB Rampworx Jam

Get down to this, looks like it's gonna be pretty good. Jack and co. have pulled out all the stops for this one, including sorting an after-party/video premiere in Magnet afterwards, with DJs and some insane sound system that will probably make you vomit blood.

Some old shit

Just some old photos from a few years back, just the lads having a laugh. We had best not get ripped off in the summer weather stakes this year.

The Don, cruising at Barkum.

Tank, flat out at Barkum, unfortunately sans pegs.

The crew down the docks November '06

Tank in a rare moment of full effort.

Craig getting legged by clouds at Prenton.

Addy slingin' them shits over the big bench at Woodside.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

LSD Riders

Remember the LSD Riders advert in Props a few years ago?? Most insane shit ever, these guys definetly don't give a fuck about hospital or jail. I really need to see the DVD. Absolute loony bastards.

Best BMX intro ever?

Probably. The only one I can think of that comes close is Criminal Mischief, maybe Skavenger haha. Seriously this has it all; DMX, slams, fire, Eyehategod, midgets, fire, rednecks, the works. FBM MOTHERFUCKER!


The AM:PM video was premiered in NYC the other night, and will hopefully make it over these shores within the next month or so. You better believe this is going to be good. The web edits always have the best vibe, takes BMX back to hanging out and having fun with your mates like back in the day, before tech parts and getting coverage took over. The music is always spot-on and the riding is rad.
For more info check out or

Get into it.

This guy.

Ralph Sinisi is a true BMX legend. Check out Nowhere Fast, Neighbourhood Superheroes, Don't Quit Your Day Job 1 and 2, FBM Albert Street, any of the Animal videos and the Skapegoat vids to see what I mean. Ralph and Animal Bikes have helped carve out and push the street side of BMX and are probably the main reason BMX's focus switched from contests to real street and video parts. Chances are you'd still have your huge bars and slammed seat without this guy, but you would probably still have your brake on and be doing fufanus at the park all day.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Nowhere Fast weekend holiday...

Nowhere Fast had a show at an all dayer in Lancaster last Saturday, so with nothing to do on the Friday night we threw the Don in the car and high tailed it for Leeds to catch Mob Rules and Brain Dead at the Fenton. Was a funny trip, even though we briefly entered the Cockpit (after some Mission Impossible bouncer fooling due to Joe not actually existing on paper), which contained bigger bell ends than you can comprehend. There's a few pictures from the weekend down there. The Don is a prime example of a true male.

The lads, minus The Don...

Lucky's Pizza, Leeds.


Tom and Tank gettin' suzzy 'in da club'.

Man of the hour.

Streetest Phone Edit

This video is boss, courtesy of Bengo. Raw street shit from Jay Bean, Mini, Danny and Bengo all filmed on a phone haha. Streetest lads, streetest edit.

'they call him...macheteeee'

Adam Snowdon

this is for you.

The Jump Off 2009

We are getting back into the video thing. We ain't been around for some time now, but we're coming back. Close your windows, lock your doors, hide your fucking Director forks. The B-Team is coming, bringing the fun and good sounds.

For now, here's an old joint we did back in 2003. If you watch the whole thing there's alot of ahead-of-its time shit in there. Features all your favourite local boys; Addy Snowdon, Danny Ingram, Matty Lambert, Tank, Loz Taylor etc. Merseyside BMX.

[BMX] Fire In The Hole (2003) from Tom Pimlott on Vimeo.

This is BMX

Fuck the X Games, fuck the Simpel Sessions, fuck the fucking energy drinks.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Pop Punk - bin it.

With very very very few exceptions, I absolutely despise all that now comes under the banner of 'pop punk' music. I'm not talking about what used to be known as pop-punk, stuff like Descendents, Screeching Weasel etc, I mean the girlyboy drivel ala New Found Glory and friends. Since when has doing a terrible impression of a girl singing about love and shit in a sickening OTT American accent been punk?! Let's take a little look at some of the lyrics these 'chaps' are throwing out there, shall we? This little ditty is an excerpt from a song by the aformentioned New Found Glory:

''Let's make a date out of the cinema
Then stay out till early in the morning
I always like it cause we take it slow
While everyone around us seems so hurried

It feels familiar, cause I've been here before
When your words
Swept the ground right from under me
Remember when you were so insecure
Now you can't get your hands up off of me''

Awwwwwwww cute...fuckoff. And to think I know MALES who like this shit!! No wonder people end up forming bands like One Life Crew, that's enough to make anyone want to kick something in the face. I don't wanna hear a song about going on a fucking date with a girl. I wanna hear a song about how you wanna turn someones face into soup, something that makes me wanna run through town at 1am swinging a bat. People only start pop punk bands to get girls, it has to be the only reason. How else can you have a whole set of songs just moaning about girls? We all have our problems in that area, but jesus man the fuck up and get it out without making me want to vomit in your face with your stupid fanny voice. If you're gonna sing about touchy feely shit, and I do believe there is a time and a place and that it can be done tastefully, then leave 'punk' out of it.
Shave your swede, ditch the bitch and harden up with a bit of Haymaker you nancies.

''There is a fight in the pit and we don't care
Cause we're not stopping or going anywhere
We're on a mission to self destruct
And we don't care who gets fucked
So beat each other with chains and bats
And we'll be your fucking soundtrack.''

In fact, on second thoughts, don't bother.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Northwest BMX 2009 Takeover...




Here for you, on New Year's Day, is a list of 15 things I want to see much less of (and in some cases never, ever again) in BMX in this foul year of Their Lord, 2009.

- God
- Electro pop on videos
- Toboggans
- Headbands
- Sunglasses
- Girl's pants (can't be said enough really)
- Doing pointless tweaks when hopping over something
- 'Club Rap' in videos
- Slammed seat/massive bars/brakeless bikes that look like everyone got them from the same vending machine
- Park riders riding street for money + coverage
- Horrendous tshirt designs that look like they came out of Topman
- Whips to the pedals
- Freecoasters
- Fixing things that ain't broke. Or should that be fixing things until they ARE broke...(hi Odyssey)
- Brakeless 'street' riders who aren't legit

And here's 15 things I want to see more of in 2009. Get to it.

- Good, proper punk rock on videos
- Scerbo bars. So far pretty much everyone I've seen riding these is legit.
- Real street by real street riders.
- Grinds. Not Luc-E grinds in the skatepark, i mean double pegs on concrete ledges. Fannys.
- Good classic bikes parts, shit that worked for years and didn't need changing.
- People realising that Adam Snowdon is king
- More DUB BMX related events, them guys have it down good.
- Non-anorexic bikes. Fuck your paper plate bike and your breezewhips. Be a man and be prepared to lift some shit.
- Proper hiphop on videos. Wu Tang, Mobb Deep, Big L, Tribe Called Quest, all of that shit. Can't stand all the plastic rap on vids these days.
- Whips to the frame.
- Vic Ayala/Will Taubin/Gonz/Zach Sprinkle appreciation.
- More kids checking out the past classics like Albert Street, All Time Low, Turbulence, Animal 1, Base Brooklyn, Sombra vids, Criminal Mischeif, Seek + Destroy
- More Black Sabbath on videos

To cap it off anyway here's Will Taubin's part from an old Ride video called IN THE LIFE. I think i swapped my copy with Adam Durkin for a Primo Hemmorroid seat years ago...anyway watch and learn coz this guy is well STREETER than you, and better than most of the drivel on 'Brighton Aint Ready' (exceptions noted).


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